Transition can feel dark. You don’t have to figure it out on your own.

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Whether you’re struggling with making sense of your faith, trying to breathe again after a breakup, or coming to terms with a career that’s just not working anymore.. I have tools that can help.

Step 1: Breakthrough

(1-2 hours)

Sleek Minimalist Eye
Blocked, Denied, Restricted, Icon
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We will determine what you are aiming for, and help you get excited about what’s possible. I will hold you in this step- you don’t need to have it all figured out to start.


I will help you to identify where you’re blocked, and trace it back to the root, so it stops cycling. Awareness + the tools to act is a powerful combination.


We will identify next steps that make the most sense for you. It’s important for me to work with clients who are a full yes- if that’s not you I’ll give you other suggestions.

Step 2: VIP Launch

(1 Day)

Black woman fashion
Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Oblong

A Day For You.

One of the hardest things about being in transition, is the loneliness and lack of comfort you feel. The things that used to help, just aren’t the same. This is why each of my packages start with a day designed to remind you what it’s like to feel held, cared for and confident.

Self Care

We’ll have plenty of time to dive into logistics- but first, replenishment. Choose from a menu of luxury services such as massage, facial, manicure/pedicure, blowout + more. After a morning of care we will put together a power outfit that feels like you before transitioning to planning over lunch.


Once you feel refreshed & clear we will move into logistics. In the second half of the day we will deepen the awareness we began to bring forward during the breakthrough stage. You will leave with a practical plan and checkpoints that will allow you to see your progress as we move through the container.

Step 3: Transformation

(3 months)

With a plan in place to keep us on track, we will strategically cut through the noise & heal unhelpful patterns at the root.

My work is deeply transformative from the inside out. Clients should be prepared to address the mental & emotional inner work as well as be willing to follow through on strategy.

How I’ll Support You:

  • 60-90 minute coaching sessions held weekly
  • Voice memo support with response within 24 hours between sessions
  • 3 private breathwork sessions + free admission to group sessions for the duration of the container
  • Free admission to my monthly Mystic Weaving Women’s circle for the duration of the container
Woman's head with a healing crystal
Butterfly Transforming Glow

Get started

Hi! I’m Kirsten.

My Career

I was 22, working 3am shifts(!!) as a buyer at Whole Foods when I realized I was drained. I knew I needed to move. I took a leap into software development and quickly moved up in the corporate space, leading a team. While I was doing better with work life balance & finances, my soul was craving more. I joined a leading edge coaching certification program that allowed me to get free through my own inner work, and ultimately enabled me to guide others to their own peace. I love what I do.

My Faith

I was raised in the LDS faith. When I was 17, I started to explore life outside of what I was taught and cut myself off from a higher power. After several years of deconstruction, I felt a pull to reconnect to my spirituality and began a 2 year healing journey that led me through many aspects of spirituality outside of religion. Today, I have returned to a lot of the values I was raised with as I’ve found them to be beneficial to my life. I am no longer a member of the LDS church, but I attend services and enjoy sharing my heart & authentic experience and beliefs.

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My Journey to me

My dating life has been chaotic to say the least. In running from myself, I’ve entered into back to back codependent relationships until I finally realized I was the common denominator and set out on a journey I was sure would kill me- learning to be alone. On this journey I’ve found more than survival. I can gratefully say I am thriving & experiencing true joy & self love. I am the happiest I’ve ever been and the best part- I know myself.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do... And as we let our own light shine, we subconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

-Marianne Williamson

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