Hi, I’m Kirsten!

I believe in freedom. The kind of freedom that comes when you stop running, and turn around to face your fears head on. If you’ve found me, there’s a good chance you’re in transition. Relationship, career, faith.. I’ve been there. I can help

Who are you?

You’re the one who makes sure things are good for those you care about.

You love fiercely and work hard...

but somewhere along the way you lost sight of you.

This isn’t the end, you’ve come further than you realize.

Now it’s time to own it.

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See yourself again.

Using Alyssa Nobriga’s leading edge methodology, I’ve coached over 40 women to overcome low self worth, limiting beliefs around love & money, low confidence, self doubt/sabotage, fear of failure, fear of being seen, confusion around their purpose/life vision, life & faith transitions & more.

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Services Offered

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online coaching support encourage distance

1:1 Coaching

Customized support designed to hold deeply feeling women in being and feeling like them again.


Drop into deep relaxation, relieve stress, tension and get clarity on what you

really want.

Women’s Circle

A safe space to share and talk about the heavy parts of life in a safe, confidential container of women.

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What Clients Say

I’m pretty guarded emotionally. Not just with people, but also myself. So the best part is that this experience broke past that and allowed me to deal with some things I’ve tried to lock away.

-Steve D

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My biggest takeaway after our session was a feeling of a weight being lifted. I felt lighter, and like I was exactly where I belong in my life.

-Chloey K

Book a free

60 minute breakthrough session

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In your complementary session we will....

>identify vision/goals

>get clarity on where you are

>uncover what’s keeping you stuck

>work 1 of your blocks

>Create a plan for you to move forward with- in coaching or on your own
